Pro Musica

Dutch Australia Choir Pro Musica

President, Wilma Bloemen, P 0432 187 119
Conductor, Janet Morris, P 02-4284 4394

Pro Musica performance at the Schuetzenklub Illawarra, September 2023 
(Source photo: Facebook, Schuetzenklub)
To hear a snippet of this performance, click the photo or follow this link

From the Stuw, January/February 2024:


Our last event in 2023 was singing at the combined Christmas service in the Dutch Club. It was a great afternoon, and we were particularly grateful to have David Rietveld and his wife (both of Dutch heritage) come to the service. David spoke very well about the meaning of Christmas. 

The choir had a good year last year, consolidating skills, doing a few performances and welcoming three new members. Let’s hope that this year we will be able to go into nursing homes and sing without masks! I know that Covid is still around. 

We will resume on Friday 23rd February, a little later than usual, because I will be overseas for a few weeks. It will be great to see you
all again after a long break. 

Happy New Year to all in the choir and in the Dutch Club. 

Janet Morris